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Slackline India is helping the local slacklining community around the country, addressing the need to gain access in parks, maintain gear and share slackline rigging knowledge . We work in collaboration with International slackline association which helps having slackline area access and compiling information on new gear policies, rigging techniques, and safe practices. So that we can all go out and play.

Your membership makes a statement that you care about protecting access and providing rigging and safety information to the community and help develop the slackline sport to its full potential. 


Membership Fee
2000.Rs per year


Become a Member


Support slackline access

Access is an issue for everyone. It starts with maintaining a good relationship and knowing how to work with local officials by consistent nature protective and stewardship efforts. Slackline India is tracking access issues around the country, building relationships with government officials, land owners and mediating a lot to keep our favorite areas open for slacklining.  We do this largely by participating in conversations between slackliners and local officials, offering a wide range of publications on slacklining that can often be key in access negotiations.


We are compiling Information about tree safety, mapping cities/colleges/parks that allow slacklining, and accident data to show the relative safety of slacklining. Such information will enable better communication about the reality of slacklining as a sport. This aspect is open to everyone regardless of membership, however membership fees will help support access development projects.


Gear Rental

Importing gear with a lot of customs can limit the athlete to restricted training. We help to solve this by ordering gear when people fly down to festivals organised by slackline India and its partners. The Gears will be made available for members, check the gears tab for available gear.


Discounted Gear Partner

We are happy to announce discounted price for Slackline India members at Slackmitra store.

More to come in!


Conservation efforts
We’re working with slackline festivals to help minimize impact on the land. For example, at thegihg in 2019, we kept segregated waste out of the sensitive mountain soil by taking trash to recycling center in cities close by. We will also be funding cleanup day projects at various slackline locations around the country. Contact us for more information.


Knowledge efforts
Have you checked out our Publications page? With help from the International Slackline Association, we’re producing and distributing fliers on everything from tree protection to longline rigging and sharing public spaces.

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